
Things On My To Do List:
1. Move To London 2. Go To Joan Jett Concert 3. Get a Green Card 4. Visit USA 5. Finish School 6. Do A Zero Waste Week 7. Go somewhere far away for Voluntary Service 8. Act in a movie
9. Model 10. Spend a week in Taíze 11. Go To Suzi Quatro Concert 12. Visit Israel and live there for a while 13. Stay in an indian Ashram 14. Improve the art of self-defense
15. Learn italian, russian, arabic, french 16. Improve spanish and latin 17. Finish reading all the books I bought before I buy new one's again ;) 18. Visit these countries
that I have not seen yet: France, England, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Sweden, Russia, Israel, Morokko, India, Japan, China, Taiwan, Phillipines, Thailand, Laos, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen,
Lebanon, Syria, Australia, Egypt, Algeria, U.S.A., Canada, Colombia!, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil; 19. Take action to save the environment (e.g. with Greenpeace)
20. Take action to save animals (Animal Rights Activism) 21. Get a tattoo 22. Adopt a dog
Fleur Rebelle Allemand
Die deutsche, rebellische Blume
This is personal blog about my journey, joys, sorrows, goals, achievements, thoughts, dreams, poems, pictures, disease, love and life. People I meet, Things that are
interesting, upsetting, lifechanging. I blog about life's Up's and Down's and basically it's beauty. Meet me where the sun goes down.
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